Monday, January 20, 2014

How do lawsuits work?

               Hello to you, today we'll talk about

 How do lawsuits work?      

When you first come to the Simmons Law Firm, one of our mesothelioma lawyers will sit down with you to discuss your potential case. If you are a good candidate for a mesothelioma lawsuit, our lawyers will file all necessary paperwork against the defendant and start the discovery period. During this time, both you and the defendant will be questioned as lawyers prepare for trial. Many times, a settlement is reached either at the end of the discovery period or during the early phases of the trial. If a case goes through the entire trial process, it will receive a jury verdict that could be appealed by the defendant.
2. I’ve been exposed to asbestos, but I do not have symptoms of any asbestos-related diseases yet. Can I file a lawsuit?

Even if you can prove you have been exposed to asbestos, you must have an asbestos-related disease to file asbestos lawsuits. If you have been exposed to asbestos, schedule regular checkups to let a doctor monitor you for symptoms of asbestos diseases, since these diseases are much more treatable when caught early.

3. How much will it cost for you to investigate my claim?

Nothing. The minute you contact us, our mesothelioma lawyers will begin investigating your asbestos claim at no cost to you or your family. Typically, one of our investigators or attorneys will call or visit you to gather information about you, your family, and work history. After we have sufficient information, we decide if we can recommend filing a mesothelioma lawsuit. This is of no financial cost to you.
4. How much will it cost for you to represent me?

Again, nothing. There is no financial risk on your part in filing a mesothelioma lawsuit. The lawyers from the Simmons Law Firm represent clients on a “contingency” basis, which means that we will only collect a fee if and when you collect a settlement from a mesothelioma lawsuit. A mesothelioma attorney will meet with you to go over these matters in detail.

5. How much can I expect to receive through mesothelioma lawsuits?

Recovery results truly vary per client. The amount you receive from your mesothelioma lawsuit depends on a variety of factors including whether your case gets a settlement or a jury verdict. To get a better idea about what compensation you can expect through a mesothelioma lawsuits, please contact one of our lawyers.

6. Why should I hire you instead of a firm closer to my home?

Although the Simmons Law Firm is a law firm based in Illinois, our mesothelioma lawyers have represented individuals and families affected by mesothelioma from all across the country, recovering millions of dollars in the process.*

7. How long can I wait to file a mesothelioma lawsuit?

While each asbestos litigation case is unique, the law imposes certain time limitations on how long one can wait to file a mesothelioma lawsuit until it is “too late.” These are called “statutes of limitations.” Essentially, an individual only has a certain period of time after they are diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease in which to file their asbestos claim. As a result, we advise that you contact us immediately so that we can evaluate your case.

8. How long do asbestos lawsuits last?

Mesothelioma lawsuits can take time, especially when they are being filed in a busy court system or they require extra investigation. Your Simmons Law Firm mesothelioma attorney will work hard to expedite your case, but please understand that he may need extra time to make sure you get the best settlement possible.

9. Can I file an asbestos lawsuit on behalf of a deceased family member?

In many states, a family member can file a wrongful death suit on behalf of a loved one. Because statute of limitation laws strictly govern the amount of time you have to file one of these suits, you should discuss any potential legal action with a lawyer as soon as possible.
Call us today to see if you have a case: 1-866-468-8631

10. Whom should I file my asbestos lawsuit against?

In order to get the most out of your asbestos lawsuit, it is imperative that you file against the right defendant. By learning more about your situation, our asbestos lawyers can help you decide whom you should file against. Even if you don’t know where you were exposed to asbestos, our lawyers can investigate the cause for you.

11. Will my mesothelioma lawsuit be filed in my state?

Your asbestos lawsuit may not be filed in your home state because we want to file your case in the state that will provide the best chance of success. For example, if you were exposed to asbestos by a company with its headquarters in another state, we may file your lawsuit in the state of the company’s headquarters. Filing mesothelioma lawsuits in another state will not cost you any extra money, and it can only provide a better chance for success.

12. Will I have to travel?

Our attorneys and investigators are happy to travel to see you. Though we cannot guarantee that you will not have to travel, in most instances it is unlikely that you will need to leave the area in which you live.

13. Will I have to testify at trial?

We prepare all asbestos lawsuits as if we are going to trial. However, some of our mesothelioma cases settle out of court without going through a trial. In the event that a trial does occur, our mesothelioma attorneys are trained to make this process as easy on you and your family as possible.
And contented himself with so much and I hope you have benefited
Thank you

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Information About Mesothelioma

                          Mesothelioma Law Firm

                    Hello to you, today we'll talk about
Information About Mesothelioma 

What is Mesothelioma Cancer?

Malignant mesothelioma is a rare form of asbestos cancer that most often attacks the lungs and abdomen.
Most have never heard of malignant mesothelioma. Yet when you or someone you love has received a mesothelioma cancer diagnosis, trying to understand this medically complicated asbestos lung cancer can be an overwhelming process. At the Simmons Law Firm, our lawyers have worked with thousands of patients and families affected by malignant mesothelioma.
                          Mesothelioma Law Firm

Stay Informed: Mesothelioma Facts and Mesothelioma Information from Simmons Firm

On this website we try to give you as much malignant mesothelioma information as possible. However, if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or diseases linked to asbestos, we strongly recommend you consult your physician or find a mesothelioma specialist by reaching out to an organization like the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation for the most accurate mesothelioma information.
Each year, nearly 3,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer. Virtually all cases of malignant mesothelioma are linked to asbestos.
So what is mesothelioma? Malignant mesothelioma is a rare form of asbestos lung cancer that most often occurs in the thin membrane lining the lungs, chest and abdomen. Malignant mesothelioma attacks the membranes, called mesothelium, that surround and protect vital organs like the lungs and heart. These cancerous mesothelioma cells can metastasize (spread) quickly to other parts of the body.
And contented himself with so much and I hope you have benefited
Thank you

Friday, January 17, 2014

Mesothelioma Images

                           Mesothelioma Law Firm

Hello all
Today we show you
Mesothelioma Images

A diagram of the lung showing the effects of pleural 

mesothelioma. Click the image to enlarge.

A diagram of the abdomen showing where peritoneal 

mesothelioma occurs. Click the image to enlarge.

A diagram of the lung and its parts. Click the image to 


A diagram outlining the effects of asbestos on the body.

 Click the image to enlarge

A diagram of the heart showing where pericardial 

mesothelioma occurs. Click the image to enlarge.

                           Mesothelioma Law Firm

And contented himself with so much and I hope you 

have benefited

 .Thank you

Thursday, January 16, 2014

What is the Mesothelioma Symptoms

                   Hello to you, today we'll talk about
What is the Mesothelioma Symptoms

Mesothelioma is difficult to diagnose because the early signs and symptoms of the disease can be subtle or mistaken. Symptoms are all too frequently ignored or dismissed by people who are inclined to attribute them to common every day ailments. Sometimes patients live with symptoms for up to 6 months before being diagnosed but usually the symptoms are present for two to three months prior to a mesothelioma diagnosis.
About 60% of patients diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma experience lower back pain or side chest pain, and there are frequent reports of shortness of breath. Lower numbers of people may experience difficulty swallowing, or have a persistent cough, fever, weight loss or fatigue. Additional symptoms that some patients experience are muscle weakness, loss of sensory capability, coughing up blood, facial and arm swelling, and hoarseness.
Peritoneal mesothelioma originates in the abdomen and as a result, symptoms often include abdominal pain, weight loss, nausea, and vomiting. Fluid buildup may occur in the abdomen as well as a result of the cancer.
Asbestos exposure is considered the primary risk factor for the development of the cancer. Anyone previously exposed to asbestos displaying any of these symptoms should seek medical attention from their doctor first, only to be referred to a doctor who specializes in the treatment of mesothelioma and thoracic oncology after receiving a positive diagnosis.
Mesothelioma law firm

How long does it take for mesothelioma symptoms to appear?

One of the most unique facts about mesothelioma is that the disease is characterized by a long latency period that is very often associated with the disease. The latency period is the amount of time that elapses from the first point of asbestos exposure to the point where symptoms begin to appear so that a diagnosis can be made. In some mesothelioma cases the latency period is reported to be 10 years but the average latency for the majority of cases is between 35 and 40 years. As a result, the cancer often progresses to later stages before a diagnosis is made. When diagnosed in the later stages, mesothelioma treatment options become more limited and are less effective.

Mesothelioma law firm

Symptoms of Mesothelioma

Provided below is a list of symptoms that mesothelioma patients may experience. Please click on a symptom to learn 
more about it


Pleural mesothelioma patients often develop difficulty swallowing (esophageal dysphagia) as the mesothelium continues to grow on the lungs.

Fluid Effusion

An effusion can occur in mesothelioma patients when there is fluid buildup affecting either the pleura or pericardium. This may need to be drained in a relatively limited surgical procedure to control the effusion and associated symptoms.


Mesothelioma patients diagnosed with anemia have a lower than normal red blood cell count or hemoglobin in the blood.

Blood Clotting Disorder

A symptom experienced by many mesothelioma patients that can lead to anemia and other serious complications if not given appropriate medical attention.

Bowel Obstruction

Bowel obstructions can be a direct effect of the cancer. It is a very painful symptom that can sometimes develop in peritoneal mesothelioma patients.

Chest Pain

Often experienced in pleural mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma patients, chest pain can develop as the tumor grows and places strain on the lungs and heart.


Hemoptysis, or the symptom of coughing up blood, can have its origins in the lungs, bronchi or trachea of mesothelioma patients.


Nausea is experienced in a number of cancer patients, as it is often a side effect of chemotherapy treatment and sometimes the underlying cancer. Those diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma may also experience nausea as a result of increasing abdominal pressure.

Peritoneal Effusion

Peritoneal mesothelioma patients may experience a buildup of fluid in the peritoneum as the tumor continues to grow. This can result in an effusion which can inhibit the function of abdominal organs.

Peritoneal Effusion

In pleural mesothelioma patients, pleural effusion may develop when there is a large amount of fluid present in the pleura, the lining between the lungs and chest cavity.

Weight Loss

Weight loss can occur in mesothelioma patients as a side effect from cancer treatment or as the result of other symptoms that may also be present, such as difficulty swallowing or nausea.

And contented himself with so much and I hope you have benefited
Thank you

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How Asbestos Causes Mesothelioma


                   Hello to you, today we'll talk about

Asbestos Causes Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma cancer most commonly develops in the lungs of people exposed to asbestos.
Effective treatments are available to ease symptoms and improve your prognosis.
Mesothelioma is a rare cancer caused almost exclusively by exposure to asbestos. It usually affects the thin, protective membrane surrounding the lungs, heart or abdominal cavity. Doctors diagnose an estimated 3,000 cases of mesothelioma a year in the United States, and the majority of those are traced to job-related exposure.
Although asbestos use declined dramatically in recent decades in this country, the incidence of mesothelioma remains steady. That difference can be traced to the distinct latency period linked to mesothelioma. The disease can take anywhere from 20 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos before it shows obvious symptoms and an oncologist can make a definitive diagnosis. While no cure for the disease exists and the prognosis is typically poor, researchers made significant progress in recent years in understanding mesothelioma and developing new treatment options and alternative therapies.

How Asbestos Causes Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma cancer develops after exposure to asbestos, which most often occurs in the workplace – in industrial settings, shipyards, auto repair shops, old houses, schools and public buildings. It usually takes long-term exposure to put someone at risk, asbestos is highly toxic. Even short-term and one-time exposures are 
known to cause mesothelioma cancer.
Microscopic asbestos fibers are breathed in or swallowed. The human body has difficulty destroying or getting rid of these fibers. Over decades, the fibers cause biological changes that result in inflammation, scarring and genetic damage. The most susceptible area to these fibers is the lining of the lungs, called the pleura, although fibers also can become trapped in the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritoneum). Once fibers cause biological damage, the stage is set for the decades-long latency period for the development of malignant mesothelioma.

And contented himself with so much and I hope you have benefited
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